6 Reasons to Perfect Your LinkedIn Profile

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How important is it to have a LinkedIn profile? It’s not like it’s mandatory for a job seeker, but let's just say that using the world's largest professional network has its advantages—a lot of them!

This platform has been around since 2003 and currently boasts over 870 million registered users. Whether you're looking for a new job or want to connect with peers, LinkedIn can help you network with professionals in a way no other online platform can. It allows you to establish connections with people you’d otherwise never meet, offering a plethora of invaluable career opportunities (assuming you maintain a professional, high-quality profile, of course).

Here's why you should make your profile shine or create an account in case you don't already have one. If you need help writing or overhauling your LinkedIn profile, check out what our experts can do for you.

1. It's all about networking

LinkedIn takes networking to a whole new level and makes it easier than ever before to connect with fellow professionals. The more people you have in your network, the more they can help connect you with the people in their networks, and vice versa. 

You might be surprised to see who knows who in the professional world, and you could be closer than you think to connecting with someone who would otherwise be way out of your reach. If you play the networking game right, you could be rubbing shoulders with incredibly influential people who have the power to flip the trajectory of your career.

2. You can thoroughly research jobs

You can apply for an open position through the numerous online job boards out there, but LinkedIn gives you an edge that no other professional platform can rival.

Where else can you find comprehensive details about various companies all in one place? Many businesses maintain LinkedIn profiles that are filled with valuable intel, such as the latest company news, a list of employees, and information about workplace culture. This will help you better understand a company and figure out if you even want to apply for a job there. Of course, since a corporate LinkedIn profile contains only information an employer wants you to see, you should conduct research elsewhere as well, but this is a great place to start.

3. It has a wealth of job listings

If you're looking for a new job, you can search LinkedIn's job board and even apply through the platform itself. There are several ways to search for vacancies, including by location, type of work, or company name. In this way, you can also ensure that a hiring manager will see your LinkedIn profile, which may contain valuable information that you can’t fit on your resume.

Actively hunting for a job and don't want to miss any updates? Sign up to receive new job alerts via email. If you don't want your current boss or co-workers to know what you're up to, there’s an option to network privately with recruiters. 

LinkedIn also offers a premium subscription for $29.99 per month. This gives you access to direct messaging, insights on how you compare to other job applicants, and notifications of who has viewed your profile. However, the free version is sufficient for your basic networking needs. 

4. There are search ranking benefits

Do you know what shows up when someone googles your name? If not, you should definitely find out what hiring managers see when they look you up online. It's one of the first things they'll do if they're considering you for a position. 

When you run a search for your name, make sure you use the private version of your browser (Incognito on Google Chrome or Private Browsing on Firefox); otherwise, the search engine will tailor the results to your account, search history, and other data saved on your computer.   

It can be challenging to rank on Google's first page, but when you have a profile on LinkedIn, the search engine gives you extra juice. It ranks your name higher than it would from a personal website or an online portfolio. You'll look more professional to a potential employer if your LinkedIn profile comes up at the top when they search your name. Obviously, your chances of ranking on top decrease if you have a common name, but a LinkedIn profile can still give you an edge over others with the same name.

5. You can promote your brand

LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to build your professional brand and promote yourself. You can choose what to highlight, such as why a company should choose you over someone else, what makes you unique, or what you value in a job. You’re your own marketing campaign, and LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools you have to promote yourself.

The ease of using LinkedIn is what makes it such a great alternative to a personal website, which has a much more complex learning curve. Simply fill out your LinkedIn profile step by step so recruiters or your peers can immediately see what you have to offer. It’s not bad to have your own website, either—that also indicates a certain level of dedication and professionalism. Still, don’t skip the LinkedIn profile.   

6. All your contacts are in one place

If you want to keep your professional contacts organized, business cards stashed in various places aren’t the best idea. Instead, add people to your network on LinkedIn, whether you met them in person or online. It'll make it so much easier to keep in touch with them or reach out in the future, and you won’t risk forgetting about valuable contacts you made a long time ago because they’ll keep popping up in your newsfeed.

By now, you must realize why it's so important to maintain a presence on LinkedIn. The platform makes it easy to connect with other professionals, search for your next job, and build your brand. Don't miss out on the advantages of using this powerful tool. If you need help creating a new profile or rewriting your current one, get in touch with our experts!

Improve Your Resume or CV